Kada putuješ svijetom, jedno od pitanja koje uvijek dobiješ kada upoznaješ druge putnike je odakle si. Nekako, sve nas, pa i mene mnogo zanima iz koje je zemlje osoba sa kojom imam priliku da razgovaram, te obično odmah tražim neke poveznice vezano za nju, bilo da se radi o nekoj poznatoj osobi, običaju, ili destinaciji za koju sam čuo ili koju sam lično posjetio.
Prije par godina, napisao sam jedan tekst o tome kako stranci vide našu zemlju, a ovih dana, kako se u Banjaluci sprema IRF Svjetsko prvenstvo u raftingu i kako nam dolaze reprezentacije iz čitavog svijeta, ponovo imam priliku da razgovaram sa dosta njih i čujem njihove utiske o svemu ovome. Da slušam o tome šta misle o nama i kako im se dopada naša zemlja. Posebno mi budu zanimljive neke geografski daleke zemlje, za koje smo mi vjerovatno jedna od onih zemalja o kojima uče tokom časova iz geografije i za koje vjerovatno nikada nisu planirali da će ih posjetiti, ali su se na kraju nekim čudom, ipak zadesili u njima.
Jedna od tih je i ženska reprezentacije Australije, koju sam imao prilku da upoznam, a koja je promijenila čak tri leta da bi došle ovdje, kako bi bila dio ovog sjajnog događaja. Zanimalo me je šta su čule o nama prije dolaska ovdje i kako im se sada sve čini.
“Iako nismo znale mnogo o Bosni i Hercegovini prije nego ćemo doći ovdje, kada smo stigle i kada smo vidjele svu ovu prirodu bilo je nevjerovatno. Toliko planina na sve strane, sa jedne strane pogledaš i vidiš snijeg, a onda se okreneš i vidiš čistu rijeku. Priroda kod vas je predivna. Proveli smo nekoliko dana na Tari i mnogo smo uživale. Znali smo od nekih ljudi da je lijepo, ali mali broj ljudi iz naše zemlje putuje ovdje”
Osvrnule su se potom i na pojedine stvari koje imam osjećaj da mi koji živimo ovdje često ne zapažamo.
“Svakoga dana vidimo jako mnogo ptica. Na sve su strane. Jako mnogo insekata isto. Ljudi su jako prijatni ovdje. Svi su tako ljubazni prema nama i dočekaju nas sa osmijehom. Kad god kažemo da smo iz Australije, oduševe se. Svi se zaista trude da nam pomognu, a uz to odlično govore engleski, neki čak bolje nego mi, iako obično kažu da ga ne govore dobro.
Upitane da prokomentarišu očekivanja od prvenstva, cure skromno odgovaraju:
“Mi smo novi tim i ovo nam je prvi put da nastupamo na Svjetskom prvenstvu, te smo veoma uzbuđene. Želimo samo da ostvarimo najbolji mogući rezultat za naš tim. Još uvijek učimo i želimo da pokupimo što više stvari od drugih timova, ali da se uz sve to zabavimo. To je možda najbitnije.” Ali ovom prilikom pozivamo sve ljubitelje sporta da dođu i podrže takmičenje i da se družimo zajedno u velikom broju.
Nakon prvenstva, dio ekipe će ostati u BiH da posjeti određe turističke lokacije o kojima smo pričali, te se zaista nadam da će uživati kao što su uživale do sada. Curama od srca želim što bolji rezultat i da nam se ponovo opet nekada vrate, a vas ljudi pozivam da svojim prisustvom podržite takmičare iz zemalja koje su došle i budete dio ovog jedinstvenog događaja za našu zemlju.
National Rafting teams from around the globe have arrived in Banja Luka
Here is what they think about Bosnia and Herzegovina.
When you travel the world, one of the questions you always get when you meet other travelers is where you are from. Somehow, all of us, including me, are very interested in which country the person I have the opportunity to talk to is from, and I usually immediately look for some links related to it, whether it’s a famous person, custom, or destination I’ve heard of or which I personally visited.
A couple of years ago, I wrote an article about how foreigners see our country, and these days, how the IRF World Rafting Championship is being prepared in Banja Luka and how national teams from all over the world are coming to me. I have the opportunity to talk to many of them again. impressions of all this. To hear about what they think of us and how they like our country. I am especially interested in some geographically distant countries, for which we are probably one of those countries that they learn about during geography classes and for which they probably never planned to visit, but in the end, by some miracle, they happened to be there.
One of them is the women’s national team of Australia, which I had the opportunity to meet, and which changed as many as three years to come here, to be a part of this great event. I was interested in what they had heard about us before coming here and how it all seemed to them now.
“Although we didn’t know much about Bosnia and Herzegovina before we came here, when we arrived and saw all this nature, it was amazing. So many mountains on all sides, on one side you look and see the snow, and then you turn around and see a clear river. The nature in your country is beautiful. We spent a few days on Tara and enjoyed it a lot. We knew from some people that it was nice, but a small number of people from our country travel here. ”
They then referred to certain things that I have a feeling that we who live here often do not notice.
“We see a lot of birds every day. They are on all sides. Lots of insects too. People are very nice here. Everyone is so kind to us and greets us with a smile. Whenever we say we are from Australia, they are thrilled. Everyone is really trying to help us, and they speak English very well, some even better than us, although they usually say they don’t speak it well.
Asked to comment on expectations from the championship, the girls modestly replied:
“We are a new team and this is our first time to participate at the Rafting World Cup competition, and we are very excited. We just want to achieve the best possible result for our team. We are still learning and we want to pick up as many medals as possible, but also to have fun with it all. That is perhaps the most important thing. ” But on this occasion, we invite all sports fans to come and support the competition and to hang out together in large numbers.
After the championship, part of the team will stay in BiH to visit certain tourist locations that we talked about, and I really hope that they will enjoy as they have enjoyed so far. I sincerely wish the girls the best result and that they come back to us again, and I invite you people to support the competitors from the countries that came and be a part of this unique event for our country.
2 thoughts on “Rafting reprezentacije stigle u Banjaluku! Evo što Australijanke misle o Bosni i Hercegovini”
I am father of one of the Australian girls, Charlotte and I just love your insight, your story, your interest in others and the world we live in. Thanks so much for taking ti time to share some humanity, to open your beautiful country up to exciting events like the Rafting Champs. The scenery is simply gorgeous and most importantly, conversations with our girls confirms how well your people relate to us foreigners. I wish there was more of this in the world right now. Thanks fort taking an interest in our girls, the Open Women’s rafting team from Australia that are really enjoying the journey so far 🙂
I am so glad your daughter is enjoying and I hope they have great rest of the days in Banjaluka. Lots of luck to them and I hope you also visit us soon 🙂